
Odawa Server Downtime Scheduled

  • 25th February 2024

One of the RAID drives on the Odawa server has failed and needs to be replaced. The downtime is not expected to exceed 1 hour. This replacement is scheduled for 11:00 PM EST on February 25.

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Ojibwe Server

  • 2nd December 2023
UPDATE 2: The networking issues with the server have been resolved and websites and email are now accessible. UPDATE: There is a problem with a switch that the server is connected too. The IP address for the websites is misconfigured. They are working to fix it now. The Ojibwe server is up but the IP address that the websites and email use is ...
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Ojibwe Server Downtime

  • 22nd September 2023

The backup drive on the ojibwe server has failed and needs to be replaced. The replacement is scheduled for 11:00 pm EST on Friday, September 22. Downtime is expected to be about 1 hour.

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VPS Cluster is Offline

  • 31st July 2023

UPDATE: The VPS service has been restored.


There was a kernel panic on the VPS cluster this morning that caused all of the VM's to not be accessible. The datacenter is working on resolving the issue.

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