cPanel offers a Web Disk application where files can be managed and manipulated using your operating system’s interface.
The Web Disk uses your computer’s operating system for file manipulation. Accessing the web disk will open a window on your computer, allowing new files to be moved, deleted, or added to the server, just as you would manage files on your personal computer, as shown in the screenshot below.
The Web Disk Utility
Configure the Web Disk
To configure a Web Disk:
- Enter a username in the Login field.
- Enter your desired password into the Password field.
- For help generating a strong password, click Password Generator.
- Confirm the password in the Password (Again) field.
- Specify the directory that you want the web disk to connect to on startup.
- Click Create.
Your new account should appear in the Web Disk Account Management table.
When the Web Disk configuration is completed successfully, a new window containing your website’s content will be opened on your computer. From this window, your website’s files can be managed just like you would manage files on your personal computer.
Once you have added a Web Disk account to your server, it can be accessed quickly in the future by clicking the Access Web Disk button in the Web Disk Account Management table. You are also able to change the password, delete, or password protect directories for existing web disk accounts under the Actions heading.
Access a Web Disk Account
To log into a Web Disk account:
- Click the Access Web Disk button corresponding to the Web Disk account you would like to access.
- Choose your operating system’s version or file manager using the appropriate drop-down menu.
- Note: You may need to follow a set of instructions, which will appear on the top of the page after you select your operating system or file manager.
- Click the SSL checkbox if you wish to connect using SSL.
- Click Goto download the required script file.
- Note: If you are using Nautilus on a Linux system, you do not need to download a script. Simply follow the instructions that appear at the top of the page.
- Open and run the script file, accepting any certificates.
Change the Web Disk Password
To change a Web Disk’s password:
- Click the Change Password link corresponding to the account whose password you would like to change.
- Enter the new password into the New Password field.
- Click Change.
Delete a Web Disk Account
To delete a Web Disk account:
- Click the Delete link corresponding to the account you wish to delete.
- Confirm that the account should be deleted on the following page by clicking Yes.
- If you would like to keep the account, click No.
Password Protect a Web Disk Directory
Important: If you choose to protect a web disk directory you must create a user to access that directory.
To password protect a Web Disk directory:
- Click the Password Protect link corresponding to the Web Disk account you would like to protect.
- Note: This feature will affect the directory that the Web Disk account is configured to access.
- Ensure that the Password protect this directory checkbox is checked.
- Enter a name for the protected directory into the Name the protected directory field.
- Click Save.
Create a User to Access a Protected Web Disk Directory
To create a user that will be able to access the protected directory:
- Enter a desired username into the Username field.
- Enter the desired password into the Passwordfield.
- You may use the Password Generator button to generate a secure password.
- Confirm the password in the Password (Again) field.
- Click Add/modify authorized user.
This will allow users to access the protected directory using the username and password you have selected.
Remove an Authorized User
To delete an existing user:
- Select the username you would like to delete from the text field under the Authorized Users heading.
- Click Delete User.
Note for Windows® Vista Users
If you are running Windows Vista on your desktop, you will need to download a patch from Microsoft’s website in order to use Web Disk. You can find the patch here.